All Of Us, At Some Point In Life, Have Had Relatives, Grandparents, Or Neighbours Who Are Senior
Citizens Or Can Be Considered The Elderly. One Day, As I Was Speaking To My Colleague, She
Mentioned Having An Elderly Lady As Her Neighbour In Her Building. My Colleague Revealed
That The Elderly Lady Was A Retired Teacher And Principal Who Lived Alone, As Her Husband Had
Passed Away Five Years Ago And Her Children, Along With The Grandchildren, Lived Abroad. As
The Granny Grew Older, She Could Sense A Diminished Capacity In Her Physical Mobility, Which
Prevented Her From Going About Doing Her Chores And Socialising As Easily As She Could
Earlier. The Decreasing Independence, Combined With Being Alone, Slowly Started Settling Into
Feelings Of Loneliness And Depression. Such Incidents Are So Common These Days, Where Elders
Are Usually Left Behind After Their Spouses Have Passed Away And Children Working In Different
Countries Frequently Experience A Great Deal Of Loneliness, Isolation, And Even Depression.
This Then Becomes A Growing Concern As Age-Related Deterioration Is Further Exacerbated By
The Onset Of Mental Health Concerns. What, Then, Can Be Done To Help Elders, Who Once Were
Young Adults Going On About Living Their Lives Independently But Now Find Themselves In
Increasing Need Of Not Just Physical But Also Emotional, Mental, And Social Support? One Way
Of Helping Elders Deal With Mental Health Concerns As A Result Of Isolation, Loneliness, And The
Normal Process Of Ageing Is Through Geriatric Counselling. Geriatric Counselling Is A Form Of
Therapy That Aims To Address The Unique Needs And Challenges Of The Elderly Population.

Understanding Geriatric Counselling

Geriatric counselling is a specialised form of therapy that focuses on the emotional, mental,
and social well-being of elderly individuals. It is a collaborative process between a trained
counsellor and the elderly person, where the counsellor provides a safe and supportive
environment for the elderly person to discuss their concerns and issues.
Geriatric counselling is often used to treat a wide range of issues, including depression,
anxiety, grief and loss, care giver stress, and life transitions. The counsellor may use various
techniques such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, mindfulness, arts based therapy, activities
and person-centred therapy to help the elderly person cope with their challenges and improve
their quality of life.

Benefits of Geriatric Counselling

Geriatric counselling can have numerous benefits for elderly individuals. Firstly, it can help
them manage their emotions and cope with the changes that come with ageing. This can lead
to improved mental health and a greater sense of well-being.
Secondly, geriatric counselling can help elderly individuals improve their relationships with
others. As we age, our social networks can often become smaller, but geriatric counselling
can help address this by providing a safe and supportive environment for elderly individuals
to connect with others.
Finally, geriatric counselling can help elderly individuals maintain their independence and
improve their overall quality of life. By addressing any mental health issues or concerns, they
can be better equipped to manage their daily lives and continue to engage in activities that
bring them joy and fulfilment.

Geriatric Counselling Statistics

According to a report by the National Council on Ageing, nearly 1 in 4 adults aged 65 and
over experiences some form of mental health issue, such as depression or anxiety. However,
only a small percentage of these individuals seek help from a mental health professional.
This highlights the need for greater awareness of the benefits of geriatric counselling and the
importance of promoting mental health among the elderly population.

Geriatric Counselling Techniques

There are various techniques that can be used in geriatric counselling, depending on the
individual’s needs and preferences. One common technique is cognitive-behavioural therapy
(CBT), which involves identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviours
that may be contributing to mental health issues.
Another technique is mindfulness-based therapy, which involves training the individual to
focus on the present moment and become more aware of their thoughts and feelings. This can
help reduce stress and anxiety and improve overall well-being.
Person-centred therapy is another technique that can be effective in geriatric counselling.
This approach involves providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment for the
individual to explore their thoughts and feelings and work towards their goals.
Similarly, engaging the elders in cognitively stimulating activities such as games, puzzles,
activity books or using their fine motor skills in arts based activities can help them remain
meaningfully engaged

Common Issues in Geriatric Counselling

There are several common issues that may arise in geriatric counselling. One of the most
common is depression, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as social isolation,
the loss of loved ones, and physical health issues.
Another common issue is anxiety, which can be caused by a fear of falling, financial
concerns, or health-related worries. Feelings of guilt and shame may also be common if the
elders worry about being a burden on the family members for depending upon them for their
needs and functioning

The Role of Family in Geriatric Counselling

Family members can play an important role in the geriatric counselling process. They can
provide support and encouragement to their loved one and may also participate in family
therapy sessions to address any interpersonal issues.
It is important for family members to be supportive and understanding of the challenges that
their loved one may be facing. Family members can also help promote mental health and
well-being by encouraging their loved ones to engage in activities that they enjoy and
providing a safe and supportive environment.

Finding the Right Geriatric Counsellor

Finding the right geriatric counsellor is essential for a successful counselling experience. It is
important to look for a counsellor who has experience working with elderly individuals and
who is trained in geriatric counselling techniques.
It is also important to find a counsellor who is a good fit for the individual’s personality and
preferences. The counsellor should be someone who is supportive, understanding, and non-

Geriatric Counselling Services

Geriatric counselling services are available in a variety of settings, including hospitals,
community centres, and private practises. In many instances, where the elders are unable to
travel, the counselling services can also be provided by the counsellors visiting the homes of
the elderly.

Success Stories in Geriatric Counselling

There are many success stories in geriatric counselling where elderly individuals have been
able to overcome their challenges and improve their quality of life. For example, the elderly
who is struggling with depression and social isolation is able to find support and connection
through geriatric counselling by the way of building new friendships and engage in activities
that brings them joy and fulfilment.
Or if the elderly are dealing with health related anxieties, through geriatric counselling, they
are able to develop coping strategies and improve overall well-being.


Geriatric counselling can have a powerful impact on the quality of life of elderly individuals.
By addressing mental health concerns and providing a supportive environment for connection
and growth, geriatric counselling can help promote independence and overall well-being.
If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health issues related to ageing, consider
seeking the support of a geriatric counsellor. By taking this step, you can work towards a
happier and more fulfilling life in your golden years.

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